Sunday, September 12, 2010

Did you know that...? I am going to be adding a new feature to the blog? Yup, totally unexpected. Any who, as you can see, it will be called 'Did you know that...?' I will be posting random facts, commenting on them, and maybe posting a link so that you may reference it for yourself. So, here we go...

The male platypus is partly poisonous?

You heard it here first, folks. The male platypus has a tiny brown spur on the back of it's claw which can actually shoot out poison!

It uses this poison to defend its self, and this poison can actually be powerful enough to kill a dog! You better keep your pets in next time you visit Australia...

Strangely, only males have this poisonous 'spur.' The females' spur falls off on their first year of living.

You can check for yourselves if you want to here:

Pretty neat, huh?

Anyway, that concludes my first 'Did you know that...?' post. Be sure to check again for the next one!

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